by Win Wenger, Ph.D.
Winsights No. 7 (26 May 1997)
On your screen at this moment, and potentially in your printer, may well be some of the most valuable information you have ever handled in your life. You don’t need to buy anything in order to benefit hugely from what you find in this brief. Our own motivation in giving you freely such extraordinary information? –Our belief that if many people begin seeing with their own eyes, thinking and perceiving for themselves first hand, a lot of the problems and difficulties around us all will be resolved…..
Thus far on Winsights you have learned how to:
- Become more effective with yourself, with others, and with events….
- Pay less tuition for the lessons of life (“Nature is a rather severe teacher — first comes the test, then the lesson….”)
- Experience more satisfying richnesses of perception, understanding and meaning than you ever dreamed were possible….
Pay attention to your own perceptions; and respond to or act upon your own perceptions, even if and especially when they differ from what you expect to be seeing.
Our culture has raised us to be sheep. Even though you may think you are pretty observant, you’ll be amazed at what you start noticing when you start to look for yourself, instead of settling for what everyone around you believes. Some of the ways Project Renaissance shares openly, by means of which to make yourself far more richly observant and effective and aware, are:
* Portable Memory Bank – carry around, and use, a notepad, index card, postits, even a pocket tape recorder, to capture and reinforce having each idea or thought or observation. Each one you capture, reinforces and sharpens your faculties and each of the hundreds you’re always letting slip away unnoticed, dulls your faculties…
* Sidebands-of-Awareness: quick-capture techniques. Have a friend ask you, at unexpected intervals suddenly, “what was in your awareness just THEN?” Use that to describe to your friend everything that was in your awareness or on the edges of it besides the main thing you were tending to at that moment. You’ll be surprised, after several of these, to discover that you have dozens, actually hundreds, of parallel semi-independent streams of thought and awareness going on some of them trivial but some of them far richer than what was immediately in your consciousness. It has to be suddenly and by surprise, or you’ll start “saving up” impressions and reinforce different perceptual faculties instead. It has to be expressed – written out or described aloud or there won’t be enough reinforcement to bring these sidebands of awareness online for you.
* Image Streaming (incidental by-product, according to independently conducted state university tests: multiple points of cumulative, apparently permanent I.Q. gain for only 25 hours of easy, entertaining practice; this seemingly remarkable rate of gain continues past this point even if most reliable testing does not); this also informs you profoundly about the world and about yourself;
* Quick Q/A and High Thinktank-method processing, by Einsteinian Discovery Technique, informing you extensively about everything you turn your attention to. (More on the quick Q/A in a few sentences below, and on The High Thinktank in a later column.)
Incidental by-product: When you speak directly from your own first-hand experience, you are powerful. When you speak from someone else’s experience or belief, you are weak. Especially when you speak from your own first hand experiences on things which matter to you, are you powerful. (Nearly everything taught in speech & communications classes and in much about sales, is techniques to try to counterfeit the way you would come across if you were speaking directly from first-hand experience on things which matter to you! –But all that pales besides the real thing!)
Every time you notice and respond to one of your own perceptions and/or ideas, you make yourself more perceptive and/or creative. Each time you fail to respond at least in some way to one of your own perceptions and/or ideas, you make yourself less perceptive or creative. Know this not only from your own experience, but from the very most widely agreed-upon and accepted descriptive “natural law” of psychology or behavior: “You get more of what you reinforce.”
Each time you notice and describe – to someone near you, or to a tape recorder, or even in a more limited sense to a notepad – one of your own perceptions, you accomplish these things:
1. You reinforce that perception. The more you describe about it, the more you will perceive about it, and about things relating to it, until you find yourself perceiving and understanding far more about it and generally than you dreamed were possible.
2. You reinforce the behavior and trait of being perceptive. Your own present level of consciousness and intelligence right now are largely the product of how much of your own perception you got to respond to and act upon in some way earlier on. To hear the most extreme form of this effect, get a description of the event and its aftermath from anyone who has ever really had to lay his life on the line for something he believed in or was necessary, such as plunging into a desperately dangerous situation to save someone else’s life, and who survived to tell about it. By a little attention, system, and persistence, you can have the growth without the danger. (And without falling into the trap some fall into, who become repetitive dare-devils in a vain effort to recapture such moment-of-truth effects!)
–And if the perception being responded to is, at the start, subtle, therefore arising in parts of the brain fairly remote from where we lodge our loud verbal left-brain consciousness — then you
3. Reinforce those remote regions of the brain more and more onto line with your immediate consciousness – together with those regions’ resources and intelligence. This may well be our most powerful and rewarding area for growth.
There, in basic, is a key part of what is said in further detail by our well-received book The Einstein Factor. Much more is said in this extraordinary book–but here and now, already on your own screen and potentially in your own printer, is some more information crucial to you!…. How crucial? Only you can appreciate once you see what it is…..
Practical applications abound – if you bring more of your brain and mind online for current operations, ranging from answer-finding and creative problem-solving, to intelligence-building, to profoundly imnproved, eased and accelerated learning, to health aspects, to invention and discovery and the arts and design and athletic performance and many other things………..
For example: Even WHILE you’re asking a question on virtually any matter, part of you Already is perceiving its best answer!
Whether or not you notice it doing so, your mind’s eye always immediately shows that answer to you–
–The best, most ingeniously effective answer. Accurately and immediately! That’s you, your more comprehensive brain resources, far brighter than you’ve come to think of yourself as being.
Don’t take our word for it – or reflexively dismiss this either. Simply look!
Simply look for yourself. Thousands of people, all over the world, have learned how and where to look in their own mind’s eye. Not one of thousands has been unable to, once taught. 10% or more of people already know where and how to look for this effect without ever having been taught to do so. Project Renaissance does have back-up procedures which ensure that everyone, without exception thus far, becomes able to tune in this natural reflex effect. Through July 4, 1997: we will send you those back-up procedures for free in return for 2 oz. postage and return-address label, or by request with any book order. –Or you can simply e-mail us the request for these back-up instructions at and we’ll download those back-up procedures for you for free.
100% success, not only with those we’ve taught directly. Physics professor Charles P. Reinert, who performed the first independently conducted state university studies measuring some of the effects of Image Streaming, has himself taught this and related procedures to thousands of students without a single failure and he, like thousands of others, learned it from one of our books. –And he also has had 100% success rate, without exception, in teaching Image Streaming to his students…
All we’re really saying is that it’s very good for you to pay attention to your own perceptions, and to respond to what you perceive.
- You can build this range of effects entirely on your own, unassisted, continually taking whatever techniques you discover and using them on the problem of how to build even better such techniques, then using these in turn to build even better such techniques. As each technique reveals itself to you it will bring in a wealth of understanding and perspective that transforms everything that has gone before for you up to that point.
- Or you can take the short-cut and convenience, of teaching yourself some of this from the books and materials of Project Renaissance. Two books most recommended at this time are the above-mentioned Beyond Teaching And Learning and The Einstein Factor.
You can choose to stay where you are. Or to follow some program or leader who has “the answers.” –Or work with our “open-book” approach, with Project Renaissance or on your own. But before you make such a choice, we urge you to pay at least a little notice and response to some of your own perceptions. or to look for yourself into some of the effects of various of the simple Project Renaissance procedures. For example, regarding what we were just saying about part of you already instantly seeing answer to questions which you consciously believe cannot be solved or that you, at least, cannot solve them. We’ve already published in this e-magazine, in this column, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions by means of which you can solve them! If you didn’t have the wisdom to download them then, they are still in various of our books.
Free Instructions here and now, for at least some of you
For many of you reading this now, it is already as easy as this:
- Get someone to be your listener, or set up blank tape on a simple tape recorder.
- Decide upon some question or problem you’d truly like to solve or find answer to.
- Expect to see something surprising in your mind’s eye once you look in.
- Look in, and go with your first impression of what you see, feel, smell, taste or hear there. Describe that in rich detail because, whatever it is and how seemingly unrelated at first it may seem to your question, that imagery impression does contain somehow your answer!
- Get 2 more sets of image-impression the same way. Each is to be the same answer, but shown in an entirely different way, with different images. What’s the same when everything else is the core of your answer. Generate enough detail from each that you can perform the next step easily.
- Find the elements or themes in common to those three sets of image or impression.
- If the answer isn’t already obvious to you from that, brainstorm all the possible ways in which those common elements could or might be somehow an answer to your question or problem, and see if you don’t, somewhere in there, hit what you were looking for.
The parts of your brain you are contacting, don’t work in words but in sensory images. This is your oldest, strongest, most powerful information-processing system. You thought in images from the first days of infancy – maybe even before, since fetuses dream in REM sleep. You did not lose this most powerful information processing system when parents and teachers taught you to sit up straight and stop daydreaming and don’t gaze out the window, look ahead instead and pay attention! 80% of your brain is still involved in visual response, according to EEG studies. Your most powerful information-processing system merely went underground and for many of you now reading this, it’s reflexive responses to contexts and answers to whatever questions are still close-enough in reach that you can already do the above or similar steps and get the desired results immediately.
>>> Half or more of us DO, though, have to learn Image Streaming first from more detailed instructions and a few of us need to work through one or more of those free-for-postage/label back-up instructions, or instructions free upon request (until July 4, 1997) to>
The parts of your brain you are contacting with the above 4 steps don’t work in words but in sensory images. The more sensory detail in which you describe whatever impression, the more and better contact with these further reaches of your brain. (You might prefer also to do this search-&-describe with eyes closed to see more freely these subtler impressions.) Get enough sensory detail and the intellectual or insight content you were after, takes care of itself.
Hint: digging directly for the answer or insight throws you back toward your verbal left brain, which plods along at the pace of the language you speak and so can get around to only a few factors on any issue. Instead, describe directly those sensory impressions, building contact with where you are trying to get your information from until some of these, too subtle initially for your loud left brain to have picked up on on its own, come into focus to become your a-HA!
Like moving your left foot and then your right foot freely each in its turn, you report out the sensory data first and then figure out or let be revealed to you what it means, so you aren’t hobbled in moving forward, or trying to jump along the whole way on just one foot alone. We have learned that the most “left-brained” people aren’t using their left brains nearly as well as they could were they to engage also some of the faculties of their right — any more than purely “right-brained” people who need to develop more of the resources in fact of their right by engaging some of the faculties of their left! Let’s not go about life hopping on one foot alone!
More on Answer-Finding
The kinds of problem which do solve as a result of our reviewing what we know about the problem situation, already did so. What we have left all around us are the questions and problems and difficulties which did not solve that way. There, what we “know” about the problem has become the problem by standing between us and the fresh perceptions needed wherein to find our answer. These receptive visual thinking-based, Einsteinian Discovery Technique methods are arguably by far the best way yet to get perceptive on even our most difficult, stubborn, crucial problems.
Get beyond what you expect, based on all that you “know,” that the answer “ought to be!” Go for the unexpected, the surprise in what comes up in your imagery. If what comes up is what you would expect see in that context, have you gotten beyond what was standing between you and the fresh perceptions you needed? Surprise is a good indicator that you’ve gotten beyond what you consciously expect the answer ought to be, toward more direct perceptions of what is.
Once you’ve developed your sensory data by describing it in richly textured detail to your listener or tape recorder, you can interact with your imagery in ways to get more directly to understand what your imagery means – without too much distorting what your subtler resources are saying to you–
–By doing the above 7 steps, you’ve already provided the above three kinds of trait or behavioral reinforcement – of the particular perceptions themselves; of the behavior of being perceptive, and of the richer regions of your brain being brought more online with immediately useful, focussed, verbal consciousness (showing up as apparent intelligence-gain, among other effects).
The first time you work through this it could take you as much as an hour (still worthwhile to use on problems and questions which have gone unresolved for expensive years!). Second time and question, it might take you 40 minutes to work all the way through. Subsequent times and issues, conveniently down to very few minutes.
We strongly suggest that you then de-brief this whole experience either to another person (directly or by telephone), or to notebook or computer. This change of medium, and resulting change of the secondary associations and feedbacks evoked for you by communicating into this different medium, should add further to your understanding.
Then or later, we also strongly suggest that you ask your subtler faculties: “How can I make sure that I’m on the right track with this understanding of the answer?” Observe and describe whatever comes than enables you to test whether you’ve pretty well got the answer. Note also it is good to verify by other means as well, to the extent that an issue is important to you or to others affected by it, before acting to implement your answer. But test, don’t just let an answer sit there reinforcing the trait of inaction or procrastination.
Then or later, we also suggest that you ask your subtler faculties: “What more do I need to know in this context?” Observe and describe whatever images or impressions emerge for you in response to that question.
Then or later, we also suggest that you ask your Image Stream or subtle faculties: “What’s a good, practical, concrete first step to acting upon this understanding? Observe and describe accordingly.
You don’t have to look to us or to anyone else for the answers. You are, indeed, far brighter than you think, and your own testing of the above will demonstrate that. We do offer short-cuts through our books and occasional training workshops. –But in the larger sense, you already have what you need, just as you already have your own answers….. It’s entirely up to you.